Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween

Halloween is a holiday that many people enjoy.  People dress up in costumes, attend haunted houses and other festivities.  It is a time where children can dress up and collect candy in their neighborhoods from various houses.  Personally, I don’t really like Halloween.  I don’t enjoy being frightened at haunted houses and don’t really like to dress up.  Even though I don’t like the holiday, I still enjoy seeing the children get excited and have fun. 

This past Thursday, I had the opportunity to help with the Halloween party at the Ada Public Library.  A group of sisters from Kappa Epsilon volunteered to help the librarians run the event. At the library, there was pizza, snacks, a haunted hallway and a costume contest.  It was a great location for parents and kids to get warm between houses since it was a very chilly and windy night.  The haunted hallway included a variety of things for kids to touch including guts and hearts.  They weren’t actually guts, but the librarians used food to simulate the feeling.  Many of the kids were grossed out by what they touched.

Overall, the kids and parents had a fantastic time at the library.  They were smiling and really enjoyed the night.  In addition, I had a great time seeing the children.  During one point of the evening, a little girl climbed on my chair and sat on my lap for a little bit.   I had made a friend with Minnie Mouse for the evening.  Even though I don’t really like the holiday of Halloween, I still enjoy seeing the kids get excited for the festivities of the day.

1 comment:

  1. Celine, I'm definitely with you on your thoughts about Halloween. I'm really not a big fan either. I don't like being scared at all, so I don't participate in the festivities like my friends do. But I do love fall, the colors are beautiful and in my opinion, October is one of the prettiest months of the year. Seeing all the kids walk around town is the best part about Halloween. They get so excited about their costumes and getting candy, it is just so adorable. I think it's awesome that you volunteered at the Ada Library, I'm sure the workers really appreciated it and I bet you got to see A LOT of costumes! I'm glad that you had a great night and made the best of a holiday you don't really favor.
