Saturday, October 10, 2015

A Much Needed Break

Fall break is the perfect opportunity for college students to take a few days off and try to relax.  You have probably just finished midterms and completed numerous assignments.  Late night studying and stressing out has seem to become the normal routine.  Even when life gets hectic, it is important to take a breath and try to relax.  This is where fall break plays a pivotal role in order to rejuvenate and try to find that motivation to continue the semester strong.

For me, fall break is about catching up with family and friends.  I don’t have to get up early in the morning and can watch an episode of Netflix without that guilty feeling.  Even though it should be a relaxing weekend, that doesn’t mean I can forget about college completely.  Depending on your major, you may have assignments due shortly after the break ends.  Sadly, this is the case for me.  Coming back from break I have a project due and a huge exam.  In addition, the Wednesday I get back is packed full of events until the late evening.  So even though I get to enjoy the perks of being home, I can’t become too lazy and complacent.

It is always hard trying to find that balance between college and a social life.  If you manage to find that balance, I would say you have a decent grasp on your life.  I constantly have to remind myself to take a breath and find a moment to relax.  Often, I get too caught up in the next exam and assignment and forget to take a little personal time.  This is the goal of fall break, trying to relax while attempting to not fall behind on coursework.  Overall, fall break is meant to give you a few days away from campus to take a break.  When I do return to Ohio Northern University after a few days, I hope to have found some motivation while feeling ready to dominate the last half of the semester.  


  1. I have been looking forward to fall break for quite some time now. It is a great time to relax and enjoy some much needed time off from the stress of college. Like you said, even though we are on “break” we still have school work to complete before returning to Ada. All I have done over fall break is watch “Scandal” on Netflix and I don’t regret it one bit! I might though when I realize how much I have to do on Wednesday. Good luck on your exams!

  2. Celine -

    I couldn't agree more. Fall break is probably one of my favorite breaks that we are given throughout the year. Even though it is a break, we can't completely forgot about school because as you said, there are assignments and tests happening the week we get back. I agree that finding that balance between school and social can be difficult, but sometimes it's important to take time for ourselves because we deserve it. Enjoy the last of your break and hope you have a good week back!

  3. Celine,
    I can agree that fall break was much needed. I went home for the day, but came back and enjoyed alone time in the luxury of my apartment. Juggling college life is hard, but it is what will make us better adults. Keep up the good work, it will pay off in the end.
