Sunday, October 4, 2015

Kappa Epsilon Recruitment

At Ohio Northern University, I am a sister of Kappa Epsilon.  Kappa Epsilon is a professional pharmacy fraternity that promotes women pharmacists.  We have numerous social and service events, including making breast cancer baskets and holiday parties.  In addition to our events, we participate in outreach opportunities that focus on women’s health.  Primarily, we focus on bringing awareness to breast and ovarian cancer. 

One thing I am involved with in Kappa Epsilon is the recruitment committee.  I talk to potential new members about Kappa Epsilon and what we encompass.  Since I am on this committee, I am required to attend the new member events and get to know the new sisters.  This past Tuesday we held a scavenger hunt and bonfire for the new members.  Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate and the bonfire was cancelled.  However, that did not stop us from having a great time.  The potential new members completed a scavenger hunt throughout the pharmacy building.  The clues were cleverly written and led to numerous locations throughout the building.  My team was the first to complete the scavenger hunt and return to the designated location.

After the scavenger hunt, sisters were invited to mingle with the potential new members.  It was great seeing the potential new members talk to current sisters.  This allowed the potential new members to meet more people and get a sense of the sisterhood.  Personally, I enjoy being a sister of Kappa Epsilon.  I love what we stand for and have fun attending the numerous events.  In addition, it is a great way to relax when life gets hectic.  Overall, the recruitment event was a success with everyone having fun and smiling.  I am looking forward to meeting and interacting with all the new sisters soon.    

1 comment:

  1. Celine, I've heard so many great things about Kappa Epsilon and wish I could join myself! I'm not a Pharmacy major, but I have several friends who are in the fraternity and really enjoy it. From what you've described, it seems like Kappa Epsilon could be a social fraternity. You guys do a lot of the same things that I do as a sister of Alpha Xi Delta. I think that professional fraternities are such a good idea because it helps you to get to know people that are in the same major as you and can help you out; especially when it comes to being a Pharmacy major. I know that it can be a really rough major and I'm sure you want all the support you can get. I will try and bring more Pharmacy women your way!
